How to use treats when training your dog

Dog Treats Do’s & Don’ts #

There is so much information out there these days for dog owners and so many training methods. I thought I’d share my take on treats and your dog from many years of training and many many dogs! #

First of all think of the word “treat” for a moment  it could be your favourite food or a special event but it’s something that would lose that “specialness” if you had it too often,  the same with dog treats!
How to use treats for maximum impact with your dog
✅Start low value with his/her food or something bland that your dog will eat, keep higher value treats for when they are needed!
✅Teach your new command such as Sit and use Praise as the first reward (goodboy/girl) followed by the treat. The dog will remember that sitting was a nice experience and he/she was praised AND had a special treat!
✅When your dog has learned the command use just Praise and take away the treats to use for the next exercise
✅Do not over treat or treat your dog unless they are learning or doing something for it!
✅This way your treats will still be effective and your dog will do be trained to expect praise from you the owner with a surprise treat from time to time!


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