20 Minute Dog Training Benefits!

Did you know that just 20 minutes of training per day will give you and your dog lots of benefits? And that you don’t have to increase your walk time to tire them out! #


Benefits of training:
🐾 Mental stimulation which is tiring for your dog
🐾Increases the bond with your dog
🐾Puts you as the dogs leader
🐾Reinforces training exercises for a better behaved dog


How to do it:
🐾Train in 5 minute sessions for around 20 minutes total per day
🐾Work on basics such as Sit, Stay/Wait, Recall and walking on the lead
🐾Do it at home or the garden
🐾Aim for improving each time – e.g. get your dog to Stay for longer periods and distances
🐾Add in fun exercises such as finding treats or hide and seek with family members!

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